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Difficult conversations in difficult times

Like many others, the Family Unit at The Mediation Group has spent the past few months rethinking how we can best serve and support our community during this very difficult time. In recent weeks, we have increasingly seen conflicts of all kinds (that may have been dormant or avoided in families previously) rise to the surface during the Covid-19 reality, and how many extremely challenging decisions--including independence and end-of-life care--must be made amongst tragic and truncated circumstances. 

We, at TMG, are committed to helping families with difficult conversations and decisions during this unprecedented time. 

Our panels of exceptional mediators--from retired attorneys and judges to mental health professionals, leaders in organizational disputes, as well as senior educators in Conflict Resolution--are prepared to mediate conflicts around:  

●     Health care 

●     End of life  

●     Long-term care

●     Wills, Estates and Trusts

●     Disputes with or about caregivers

●     Independence and lifestyle, including driving, mobility, etc.

 Some of these conflicts are between adult siblings, some are between seniors and their children, some are between families and Continuing Care facilities.

 We are anxious to do our part and wanted to offer our services in case they may provide some support or solace.