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Forms and Resources for Divorce and Family Law

Here are a list of forms and websites that may be useful for your mediation concerning divorce or family issues.

Spousal Support (Alimony) Guidelines

Please read this summary regarding the 2012 Alimony Reform Laws. You may use this online tool provided by private attorneys to calculate alimony. 

Financial Forms 

Divorcing parties must complete a financial statement form.  There are two forms. The short form (CJ-D 301 S) is for parties earning an annual income of $75,000 or less.  The long form (CJ-D 301 L) is for parties with an annual income of $75,000 or more.

Additional forms are required if you are self-employed or have rental income: Supplemental Schedule A is for self-employed parties and Supplemental Schedule B is for real estate income. 

Child Support Guidelines for Massachusetts

Please find a description of the Massachusetts Child Support Guidelines here.  You can calculate child support by printing and completing the worksheet. Also, you can use an online calculator provided by a private attorney.

Parent Education Programs

Parents of minors seeking a divorce are required to take a five hour parenting course.  More information and a list of court-approved programs is listed here

Model Parenting Plan - This document suggests multiple parenting plan options with considerations based on children's ages.  It is a non-mandatory, yet informational and practical tool to help parents make important decisions concerning the care of their children.